

-Be honest. About your medical history, about how things feel, if you like or dislike something we are doing. LMT's, just like doctor’s, first priority is to do no harm. Our main goal is to provide the best treatment for you.

-If something hurts, SAY SOMETHING. We are not here to put anyone in pain. You may feel achy during or afterwards, like after a good work out but nothing should be painful

-It's ok to fart. It means everything is relaxed. Staying tense to try to hold it in is counterproductive.

-Shower before you come in. If you have spent the day sitting at a desk, a shower in the morning is fine. If you are coming from the gym or any sweaty activity, please shower.  It helps keep you healthy, the other clients healthy and everyone and everything in the room smelling fresh.  

-When your therapist is moving an arm or a leg or your head, let your full weight relax into their hands. We may want to see if you’re having restrictions on your movement and although we appreciate the help, it makes it more difficult to see what is fully going on. Your job during the massage is to breath and relax. Let your mind drift off to your happy place.

-Please remove your jewelry. Necklaces, large earrings, rings etc. If it something that you can not remove or would prefer not to, your therapist can work around it. Be aware though that any oil or lotion used may get on it. Also, place any jewelry removed in your purse or shoe. It’s the best place so you don’t forget it.

-Most problems require repeated treatment. This is not a ploy by your therapist to make money. Most issues have developed over time and are caused by repetitive movement. This will require time to work out the knots and change habits that have developed.

-You may think something that happened 5 years ago doesn’t matter, but some injuries can linger in the body even if you don’t feel it anymore. Let your therapist know any major injuries and what was done to help you get better.

-There are many places people are uncomfortable being touched, ie. gluts, head, feet, etc. If there is somewhere you do not want to be touched, tell your therapist. Even if it’s you think it seems an odd place, tell them. This is your massage and if you aren’t comfortable and feel safe, there is no point.